The Myth: A young girl named Alice tumbled down a rabbit hole and enjoyed a delightful adventure in the made-up world of Wonderland. The Truth: Wonderland is real...
King Arch has declared himself King of Wonderland as Alyss searches wildly for the solution to the metaphysical disaster that has engulfed her Queendom...
An exciting new adventure featuring a teenaged Hatter Madigan, one of the most popular character from the New York Times best-selling The Looking Glass Wars trilogy by Frank Beddor!
Put to rest any delusions or disinformation you may have of the tea guzzling madman of faux literary history and prepare to expand your consciousness as the saga of Hatter Madigan and his relentless search for the lost Princess of Wonderland unfolds on these pages...
"I'm enjoying Hatter M., a clever twist on the fantasy genre. Action, intrigue and adventure aplenty, and not an elf in sight."
- Garth Ennis (creator of The Boys)
Far From Wonder
Put to rest any delusions or disinformation you may have of the tea guzzling madman of faux literary history and prepare to expand your consciousness as the saga of Hatter Madigan and his relentless search for the lost Princess of Wonderland unfolds on these pages...
Royal Bodyguard Hatter Madigan’s maniacal quest to find Alyss continues. In Volume 2, MAD WITH WONDER, Hatter follows the Glow from London to the battlefields of America’s Civil War in search of the Princess who must some day be Queen.
Royal Bodyguard Hatter Madigan’s search takes an unexpected detour when he travels ‘within’ guided by a mischievous and often maddening young girl named Nekko...
Get ready for another mind-blowing adventure from Wonderland—a story shot straight through the Pool of Tears. Wonderland’s elite forces of light must unite to battle the harbinger of darkness in the unforeseeable conclusion…
Hatter M fifth and final volume! Looking glasses shatter as heroes and villains from Wonderland arrive to aid or block Hatter in his quest to find Alyss...
How does Alyss Heart of Wonderland fare after the creation of Everqueen, as described in Arch Enemy, the third volume of the best-selling Looking Glass Wars trilogy? With difficulty...
Queen Alyss solicits Ovid Grey’s services once again―this time to stop a devious plot hatched by the treacherous fish people of Unterlan, a plot that threatens the future of Wonderland and all who live there...